Corten steel LED planters
This planter steel with lighting simultaneously provides a functional, attractive and stylish element in your garden or patio. The planter with lighting is made of the durable corten steel, made in our own production. This corten steel planter consists of one piece and so you can immediately place it in your garden or terrace. The LED lighting is integrated in the converted rim and it comes with light source and cord. Which plants will you give a special place with the mood lighting?
What is a welded corten steel planter with LED lighting?
Our welded corten steel planters with LED lighting are, as the name suggests, planters that are fully welded and aesthetically high-quality finished in our own production. They therefore consist of one piece. This means that after unpacking, you can immediately place the planter in the garden or on the terrace. The LED lighting is integrated into the raised rim of the planter, creating a beautiful ambient light.
What type of material is used?
These planters are made of high-quality Corten-A steel plate. This type of metal has the unique property of forming a very dense oxide skin (rust layer). Rusting through is therefore impossible. The dense oxide layer protects the underlying material from oxygen, which slows down oxidation but allows corrosion to continue. The Corten steel planter is delivered unrusted, i.e. in the grey metal colour. The brown/orange rust layer forms within two to six months; no treatment is required. During the rusting process, the planter may come off. Corten steel is a metal alloy consisting of iron to which copper, phosphorus, silicon, nickel and chromium have been added. The corten steel planter is produced in-house by our own craftsmen. Please note that during the rusting process, the planter may come off.